Monday, June 26, 2017

DFS and the Elusive Pension Audits

It is June 26, 2017, a sunny June day. It is also two years ago that the NYS Department of Financial Services announced a major audit of the seven major NYS retirement systems.

There are still no audits reports from DFS.

For the record, DFS is scared to death to publish any reports on the seven retirement systems. DFS knows how bad the situation is. They can either report the facts and create sheer terror, or they can fake it and be on record for hiding the facts.

Just stop billing the retirement systems for your bullshit audits and save the taxpayers some money.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes could Mr. John Murphy please explain all about the NYCERS Testings in Bonds to all of our Members of the Retirement System and please post all copies the members vested Bond holdings from past years of holdings. Because all of our members need to know all about the bonds ASAP on this posting please.? Mr.and Mrs. Andrew Mizell, email follow up to us at and not to my gmail address.