It has been almost two months since the new executive director, Melanie Whinnery, started working at NYCERS. It is a good size organization with its own unique legal structure. Many of the employees have been there for over 30 years. In fact one employee has been working since Eisenhower was president. I suspect Ms. Whinnery is still trying to get her bearings.
She does, however, have to quickly come to grips with who she is going to have sitting in the office next to her. He or she will be her number two person at the agency. She needs someone who she can really trust, someone she has known for a long time, and someone who has had her back over that time. That means that person is not on staff at NYCERS. She needs to reach out to someone in Albany who she knows and can trust. This is not a position that needs a open search. This is about protecting your back.
This will be the most important decision she will make at NYCERS. Trust me, I know from experience. I got it right once and wrong the second time. You can not begin to imagine the havoc that the wrong choice will bring and there is definitely a lot of work to be done to straighten out the agency.
A word of caution: the current deputy executive director has a strong motive to see the new executive director fail and leave. In addition, if she remains in the number two spot, the current staff will know that nothing has changed.