Friday, May 10, 2013

When Will the City Wake Up?

About a month ago I wrote about NYCERS's miserable investment performance over the last 13 years in contrast to a simple index(stocks)/core(bonds) strategy. It was so bad that I wondered how the other city pension funds did. So I did a comparable analysis of the performance of TRS and the Police Pension Fund, the two other large systems. You can check the detailed spreadsheets for NYCERS , TRS , and Police with the highligthed links.

TRS and Police did almost as bad as NYCERS as seen in the first table below. The analysis, however, did surface an issue when looking at the three systems together. They had significantly different income flows over the 13 year period. NYCERS & TRS had negative income flows, while Police had a positive income flow.

This positive flow hides the poor investment performance for Police. In contrast, TRS's large negative flow makes its investment performance look worse than it really is.

The last column in the first table shows the new 7% pension liability amount computed by the NYCERS/TRS actuary.

If the investment strategy and the funding (see table 2) were better, NYCERS and TRS would be in great shape, even without the benefit of the new Tier 6 benefit limits. Police has a much deeper problem but upgrading the investment strategy would be a big step forward in getting the problem under control.

NYCERS - TRS - Police Pension Fund Investment Performance: 2000 - 2012

System Closing Balance Closing Balance Income Flow Closing Balance Actuarial Liability
**** Actual Index/Core 2000-2012 Zero Income Flow 2012
Index/Core (7%)
NYCERS $42.8B $55.5B -$4.4B $63.2B $62.9B
TRS $32.8B $41.0B -$8.8B $53.5B $55.1B
Police $25.5B $31.2B $4.5B $26.1B $38.1B

NYCERS - TRS - Police Pension Fund Benefits & Contributions: 2000 - 2012

System Benefits paid Employer Contributions
NYCERS $38.9B $15.6B
TRS $41.6B $18.6B
Police $20.2B $16.5B

NYCERS - TRS - Police Pension Fund Retiree & Members: 2011

System Retirees Vested Members Inactive Members Active Members
**** 2011 2011 2011 2011
NYCERS 135,468 8,914 18,969 182,021
TRS 74,064 8,932 10,938 109,636
Police 45,755 780 1,643 33,705

Note: Since July 1, 2009 Police and Fire pension benefits for new employees have been reduced to Tier 3 levels.

Note: Since April 1, 2012 all NYS pension benefits for new employees have been reduced by Chapter 18 of the Laws of 2012 (Tier 6).

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